domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

Ted the milkman and John the baker Game

In this game, we introduce two typical English jobs (you can play it with three, four, depending on how many groups you want to form in the class). I chose the baker and  the milkman professions.
I have created a game where John and Ted (you can call them however you want) have to go house by house delivering bread and milk.
How to arrange the game:
The class is set into 2 groups; The teacher asks a question to one member of each group; if the answer they give is correct, their character, either the milkman or the baker, moves one house forward. The first team to win is the one who gets first to the last house
Pictures from typical and varied English houses can be displayed on the blackboard or interactive whiteboard with a bit of "bluetack" (sometimes plasticine is also useful if you haven´t got the first one). The houses are displayed in a line and Ted and John are displayed one up the line and other down the line so students can see who is winning.

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