lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011



  • 2 large oranges- 2 naranjas
  • ¼ watermelon, peeled, seeds removed and scooped into balls- melón cortado a dados o bolas
  • Any other other fruit sliced- cualquier otra fruta que gusteis cortada a cachitos
  • Aerosol dairy cream- Nata montada


Basicamente cortamos fruta a dados y la dejamos a un lado.
Le cortamos la parte de arriba a la naranja y la vaciamos con un cuchillo poco a poco.
dibujamos con el cuchillo la forma de los ojos y la boca y vacíamos los restos.
Metemos dentro los trozos de fruta y adornamos con nata montada.

  1. Take each orange and using a knife cut the top off the orange.
  2. Cut into and through the orange flesh, making two diamond shapes for eyes. Do a zig-zag to create the mouth and teeth.
  3. Pull out the cut-out shapes and carefully scoop out the orange flesh (the flesh can be squeezed into a glass and drunk).
  4. Stuff the orange with the fruit and fill up the rest of the orange with a huge squirt of cream.
  5. Scatter with pomegranate seeds 

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