lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

There´s a nightmare in my closet

This is the student´s room where he/she will draw his/her bed, table, chair... We will put this piece of paper on top of the other and cut and fold the door so that the student can open and close it. When students open the closet´s door, the monster they´ve drawn will appear.

Here goes the monster the children will draw

I recently worked with the tale "There´s a nightmare in my closet", by Mercer Mayer.

We worked during 3 lessons of ART. During the first lesson I introduced the cover of the book and made a Power Presentation  and read the book. I underlined some important vocabulary and played Simon Says and other games to internalise it through action and memory games.
Then, we proceeded to make the Craft.
The thing was for every student to think in a personal "nightmare" and draw it inside a closet. The point was for them to see that nightmares are not always bad, they can be nice monsters or creatures who want to play.
If you want to know more about this tale,which only lasts 2 minutes in Youtbe, click HERE.

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